The 37 Ultimate Benefits Of Minimalist Lifestyle
In our minds, just like any other possession and less is more: Less noise, more meaning. Less frowns, more fun. The secret is in keeping only what gives you a good vibe. Things, people, activities that inspire hope and make your heart and body feel good will be more influential in transforming your life if not surrounded by loads of the negative vibe kind.
A minimalist approach to life is to create space to be able to listen to not just sounds but all beautiful melodies in our world that gladdens the heart and puts the us in a good state of mind.
While most minimalists concentrate on reducing their material possession, a minimalist is also someone that pays attention to all vibes around and is selective in allowing only positive energy impact their sense of being.
Why being a minimalist might be natural to some personalities, some of us might have to be more intentional about our choices. Here are some benefits to encourage you to embrace the minimalist lifestyle.
#1. Abundance Mentality
Being a minimalist helps you to learn to detach from the materialistic mindset - some people feel without their possession they are nothing. For this reason and perhaps more, they won’t be willing to let go, so they hoard everything, this new approach to life will teach you to let go because you are more than you think. Therefore simply enjoy the joy of having the used items by giving them away or convert them into money.
#2. Increase productivity
As you free up your space by decluttering, you will enjoy more mental freedom to be more creative.
#3. Work less, play more
Invest more time into what you enjoy or with your relationships instead of spending time cleaning.

#4. Maintain a friendly home
As a minimalist, when people come visiting, it will be a breath of fresh air with calm visual appeal that makes an impression on the mind all year long - how clear your space is and how much fun they enjoyed being around you.
#5. Boost your health
Dirty space breeds dirty gems, dirty water breeds mosquitoes and flies, depending on where you live, It is a lot safer to keep your environment clean helps you achieve your goal of sound health.
#6. Move Around Freely
The less time spent sorting through stuff the more time you have to be productive and relieve tension.
Decluttering your space prevents you from wasting time finding things and aid you from getting things done fast. Why keep around the items you no longer need that are taking up space in your life, home or office? Sell or give them away.
#7. Make Good First Impression
Is your car packed with everything...?
Earn the respect of friends and family including the police officers when they interact with you in your car.
Don't leave empty plates or can in there. The minimalist approach will help you fix this by inspiring you to create more space for what you want by decluttering your area of the things that are not adding value to you so you can make more room for the things that do. Leaving your home, office, car, and other space clean, clear, and comfortable.
#8. Children's Safety
Safety first is still a good piece of advice mainly if your family is with you, especially if you are a nursing parent or you have a baby crawling around the house, ensuring that everywhere is safe should be a priority that can be achieved by a minimalist lifestyle.
#9. Relocate Easily
Life is too short to be tied to just one place all your life. Don't you want to see and experience the nooks and crannies of this village? Remember you now live in a global village.
Having less material, especially the ones that can fit into your backpack helps you travel with ease.
Minimalists don't spend much when they are moving houses because everything is compact.
#10. Freedom From Rising Debt
Most people are slaves to consumerism, they are being lured into spending the money they don't have to buy what they don't need just so they can impress the people they don't like, funny enough the same people they are trying to impress don't even care about them. It's just a mess.
Furthermore, Due to the economic situation around the world, a lot of people are experiencing job stagnation: pay cut/no increments while the cost of living keeps rising. Adopting a minimalist lifestyle helps you to only buy what you need and enjoy what you have. Spending less, saving, and investing more.
#11. Eco-friendliness
The more stuff you consume, the more waste you are probably going to produces but less consumption is a better way to conserve the Earth's natural resources. Making the world more habitable. Minimalist belief in recycling and using biodegradable materials.
#12. Enjoy Compound Interest
Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. - Albert Einstein
When you don't save you are not safe. while it is the job of advertisers to convince you that you need more to enjoy the goodness of your world. You must also know that they have a motive to make you buy whether you need it or not because their main objective is to make more sales.
Minimalists are aware of this bias and only spend on essential purchases then channel their income on saving to invest in what will continue to yield interest, dividends, or interesting royalties.
This habit over time will increase your disposable income, you will have more savings to invest and reap compound interest.
#13. Making An Impact
Mindful minimalists are concerned about leaving a legacy. Close to their hearts are issues of renewable energy, providing better Healthcare, donating sources of clean water, fighting injustice, fending off the spread of an epidemic...
This is not because all minimalists are billionaires but because they value beautiful experiences over materiality and for them making an impact where it matters by being intentional is about living a worthy life Instead of spending frivolously on things that will be out of vogue by the next season.
#14. Smart Life with Gadget
Growing up I remember we used to have a calendar on the wall, a big world clock on the wall, an alarm clock, a camera, photo books, a telephone on the table, a calculator... but as of today just your smartphone and laptop can perform all of these functions and more effectively and efficiently while freeing up more space, give you more legroom.
With IOTs, Internet of Things, we can now enjoy a smart home that is clean and responsive to our needs.
#15. Updated Educational Resources
Now, it's easy to be and sustain your minimalist lifestyle because everyday new content is released on YouTube, blogs, books, forums, movies... precisely so you can continue being encouraged, educated & excited to be the best version of yourself.
#16. Free As a Bird
Being a materialistic person to some extent is an indication that someone is forgetting that death is real and the need to prioritize living life to the fullest over excessive material acquisition.
During the second world war, most of the people who had the opportunity to flee to the USA and another peaceful part of the world could not leave because they had too many resources in Germany. They stayed back hoping that somehow perhaps because they are rich they will survive the world but they didn't, however, the people who left, maybe because they were minimalist, or had nothing to lose, had a fresh start and lineage was sustained to tell the story because they had freedom from material attachment.
Freedom from attachment to things - Your willingness to give up material possession shows the level of Dominion you have over it.
#17. Pursuit of significant happiness
Instead of falling for the falsehood of consumerism, the assumption that the next purchase will bring you fulfillment. Minimalists are thoughtful and deliberate about their experiencing the fullest not from material things from through engagement that they value
18. Enjoy Peace Of Mind
Live the easy life. There is a way to build a business profitably and still have peace of mind. There's an approach to starting and sustaining a family and still enjoying peace of mind. There's a way to structure your personal life and still enjoy peace of mind while being productive.
It's by putting the first things first. Prioritizing what is important and necessary over what is urgent and fancy mostly brings peace.

#19. Joy of Contentment
Do you watch pranks?
I love gold digger pranks - one big takeaway from such pranks is the more materialistic you are as a lady or a guy, the lesser your chances of getting it. Learning to be content and valuing experiences over materials is still a sure way to have enough of what you want.
Understanding how to live with just enough even when they're so much around you is a skill of contentment.
I don't mean that you live an austere life but balance with a standard.
#20. Value on self-development
Have you ever wondered about what happens to people's belongings when they die?
True, when you die, all of your possessions pass to someone else, but who you have been is all that truly belongs to you.
Why waste your life working towards something that will not be yours when you die while ignoring your own self-actualization? Concentrate on the important things and invest in yourself.
#21. Become a role model
As a minimalist, you are an influential person in some ways and can be a role model to people; at least in your family members or people in your neighborhood. Believe it or not, your decision to be materialistic or minimalistic is affecting someone's life choices. Therefore it is worth it of importance to note that you can change the world by changing your own world. If you're detached from consumerism and prioritize the great experiences you're teaching those who look up to you to do the same.
#22. Freedom from allergies
When you declutter your home or office space, you're literally waving goodbye to allergies by cleaning where there is a lot of moisture: dusting and filtering.
By cleaning your bed and mattress, washing and covering pillows, splurge on the right vacuum cleaner for the job.
Living a minimalist lifestyle means you are clean, tidy, and declutter a house is very important for asthmatics and people who suffer from hay fever. Unfortunately, sometimes clutter enters our home but our decision to be clutter-free kicks it out.
23. Level up your fashion appeal
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication- Leonardo da Vinci
I sort of chuckle when I hear people spend hours just to decide what to wear, this decision-making time can be caught in more than half if you were with but an elegant taste for fashion.
When you simplify your fashion skill, you spend less time deciding on what to wear and more time enjoying looking good and feeling good.
24. Lessen your trash
The less you purchase, the less garbage you will trash - And when you buy please do so with recycling in mind.
You can reduce waste by following the suggestions below:
- Unwarp and dispose of the package of your newly purchased items like clothes, shoes... at the store.
- Use reusable containers and utensils for food and grocery bags.
- Give what you don’t need away
#25. Convert space to money
Some years ago I visited a friend in our house. She was a mother of two and a family of five: Herself and her husband and house help and two children. However, they have two rooms packed with used clothes and shoes in the house.
I couldn't help but think to myself, what if she closes them out and decides to rent or use the rooms for Airbnb.
Even though she was well off and lived in a large house - She and her family could make some passive income monthly just from such decisions.
#26. Feed your eyes with beautiful sceneries
What we see influences how we feel, so when the home is clear it is naturally beautiful to behold.
A clear space inspires a clear vision. A minimalist home is always a beauty to behold no matter how big or small.
#27. Wave breakage goodbye
It is hard to move around a place that is packed from the bottom to the top with stuff without breaking anything.
I remembered when I visited an agent and I couldn't help but notice how everywhere, table and floor were packed with files then I wondered about how he ever gets anything done in such a mess. just as I was thinking that he inadvertently broke a glass cup and immediately I felt he is not just competent.
Being a minimalist helps you make a good impression on your clients, friends, and family...
#28. Save for an emergency
You won't believe that some people's home or office exit doorway is blocked with stuff.
In times of emergency, they will have to first clear the post before they could run out which could be very dangerous. When you declutter you are free to exit the house during an emergency with your loved ones, and bags on time with ease.
#29. Shared memory
Do you know how many vacations have been ruined because someone was too concerned about buying or packing things to the site of vacation that when they arrived at the site they were too tired to even go out to visit the city to enjoy the food or experience the new environment and other? As a minimalist when planning for vacations you put less focus on things and live in the moment, take trips, do something new, learn a new skill, and enjoy shared memories. When you begin to plan a vacation, make the experience a priority.
#30. Living purposefully
It is well known that if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
In the absence, of clearly defined goals, people become strangely loyal to daily trivia. - Robert Heinlein
When you clear your space, it clears your mind. When your mind is clear, you have a sense of purpose that permits you to step into your power.
#31. Self Confidence
When your home is clean it is easy to have friends and family visit, when your office is clean you're comfortable hosting clients, the same applies to your car and how you dress. The minimalist approach gives you the confidence to meet and greet, more importantly, make a good impression.
#32. Say No
The job of an advertiser is to get you to say yes - if what is being sold serves your essential needs, fine say yes but a lot of people just say yes to clearance sales, discounts, promo, bonuses, and many others because of the fear of missing out - FOMO. Now, everywhere is full of new but unused items and this person could even be broke but just addicted to buying.
Becoming a true minimalist will empower you to say No. Why buy something you don't need? If it doesn't make sense Just saying No.
Or Somebody needs you to give your commitment to something you don't believe in that doesn't align with your values but because you don't want to offend her you said yes, don't complicate your life just say no. You'll be glad you did.
#33. Quality, not quantity
Is it not better to have one friend you can rely on than 20 that don't care.
Is it not better to have five good clothes than to have 200 you don't like.
Is it not better to earn a little with peace of mind than a lot with so much stress that makes you feel like your soul is being chipped away.
#34. Unique identity
Minimalists are free from the pressure to fit in, that is not the goal.
They are comfortable being interdependent. They know what they want and are willing to stand by it, they are free from the modern Mania.
#35. Live in the moment
Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never be yours however today is all that you have. Breathe.
Appreciate yourself, forgive yourself, be kind to yourself and others.
Live in the moment, appreciate the one you love, give and forgive others, enjoy your hobbies, let go of your worries; that is what minimalists do.
#36. Become self-reliance
Inch by inch Everything's a cinch - Old Adage
It is a lot easier to get things done on your own as a minimalist because you know how to break them down and make a big project look small. I'm starting to act on it gradually.
You can't be overwhelmed when you know how it is done easily because you go for it when you know how to break things down yeah.
#37. Assets not a liability
While consumerism trains people to be pennywise but pound.
Since minimalists only buy quality and what they need, they would need to free up some money to invest in real assets.
A minimalist's approach to life is a new way of listening to beautiful melodies that gladdens the heart and puts the body in a good state of mind. The world is noisier today than it was some centuries back and good energy can be the solace for the soul. Decluttering your space prevents you from wasting time finding things and aid you from getting things done fast. Why keep around items you no longer need that are taking up space in your home or office? Do you have an item you don't need anymore? How are you going to apply some of the idea above in your life?
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